Sunday, May 24, 2009

Tyler and Lindy's Big Move

Tyler accepted a new job in South Texas. He is in a town named Mission, which is located by McAllen. He will be a district manager for a cell company called: Two Brother's Communication. He is very excited, and we are excited for him. Being the great salesman that he is, we are confident that he will be successful! My sister's son Justin is going to be working with Tyler, so the two of them left Utah, with Tyler's car and the company car. The moving van followed with all of their belongings, Phil and I flew down a few days later, and Lindy and her her mom flew down the next day... with the 2 pet cats. All went well, except for the fact that Tyler's new car broke down somewhere in the desert and had to be towed back to New Mexico.... where it is still being worked on. Here are some of the memories from our journey.
No one got off easy! As you can see... no child labor laws here! Roman was very excited to help Bompa empty the truck!

Good luck finding your stuff Lin! Two mother's helping can be a challenge! Just kidding... we all pitched in, and the organizing wasn't too bad!

Nicole... dressed for some manual labor! Gotta look cute.
Lindy's job was to keep us... and hopefully her stuff on track! We only ended up with a few of their things in Justin's apartment, and vice versa!
Some of the boxes proved to be a two man job! Who made moving boxes this big anyway? Tyler and Justin didn't seem too much worse for the wear.

OH... Who's the man now? Is Zach showing them up by carrying this one by himself? I guess Law school might build muscles after all.

Justin and Tyler's bikes made the trip without a scratch! Good thing... or else they may have been crying like babies!

I think this was because Lindy's dad had them packed so well that an egg wouldn't have cracked! Thanks Mike!

All went well! Nothing was broken... and everything made it! Who could ask for more?

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