Thursday, July 8, 2010

Toys R Us Shopping Spree!

When Roman saw these masks... he HAD to have two!
One for him... and one for Papa!
Phil was a VERY good sport,
Wearing the mask throughout the store,
across the parking lot,
and ALL the way home!

Our own Ironmen... saving the world!

Rome knew that he could choose any toy...
and I think that he TOUCHED every toy in the store
before he made a decision of what would go home.

Grandpa... Daddy... and Rome
having a sword fight in the store....

Trying out the bikes....

Taking a breather on the beach chairs...
of course, monkey needed one of his own!

What a fun time we had!
In the end, we left with the masks...
and a construction set...
Roman was HAPPY!

1 comment:

Nicole Lambert said...

Best masks ever! I will be sure to bring them to Utah when we come.