Sunday, May 24, 2009

South Padre Island

Phil and I were able to spend 2 nights on South Padre Island before returning home. It is beautiful and the beach was incredible. Perfect temperatures, sand and water.... as you can imagine, Julie was in heaven! Nicole, Zach and Roman spent one night there... to celebrate their 4th anniversary. We had a fun time on the beach, Roman LOVES water... not so fond of the sand! We were hoping to have Tyler and Lindy join us... at least for dinner, but work called them, and they answered! We drove back to Mission on our last night on the Island so that we could see them one last time, as our flight went out of Houston.

This was our view off of our room's balcony... not too bad huh?

Julie couldn't be happier... In fact... maybe I'll stay!

Roman's private swimming hole... as long as we kept it full, he was very happy! If we slacked off, he would remind us by saying: "Hay! More Water!"

It looks like Phil was being careful... but the sunburn he came home with says maybe not!

Our best Castle builders!

Phil and Julie, Loving the sun!

Nicole and Zach: Happy Anniversary!

Bompa is Roman's favorite playmate! I think that Bompa would say the same! They had a wonderful time playing in the water, collecting sea shells, and playing ball!

Doesn't every grandchild need a giant Elmo Piniata? I'm sure that this is pay back for something! Roman loved it though... we'll see how he feels about hitting it with a stick on his birthday....

All in all... we had a fabulous trip filled with work and play and family!
We miss you: 
Nicole, Tyler, Zach, Lindy and Roman!
We love you and look forward to another visit very soon.


Nicole Lambert said...

Best times EVER! How I wish that we could all be back there! That was so much fun! And you guys would be so impressed... we took Roman to Galveston after we took you to the airport :) Yes rude I know!! (ha ha ha) and he full on was running through the sand laughing!! Major breakthrough!!

Love you and miss you!! We had a blast with you guys!!!!


i'm TSL said...
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Jody Neeley said...

Looks like a ton of fun in the sun! The Elmo pinata is awesome, Roman is going to have so much fun on his Birthday!